Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sorry it's been so long since my last post- the past few weeks have been pretty hectic both at work and at home. So let's see... last time I posted was Sheep and Wool. The stripey baby blanket was finished, and came out okay. I could have sworn I took pictures, but they seem to have disappeared, so you'll have to imagine it. I did get lazy, and stopped when it seemed just big enough (leaving two unused balls of yarn, and a small bit of my sanity).

I restarted the Hedera socks on my swanky new Signature needles, and they are awesome. I haven't had much time to work on them, but the needles really are great.

I've been working on a little shrug with Patons Brilliant:

It's the Vine Lace Shrug(Rav link), and it's the first actual project in which I'm doing the backwards-knitting thing. So far it's working out! I actually started this last month, but like most of my knitting, it's been largely ignored since then.

My least-ignored project is probably this:

Leaf T-Shirt with Cascade Cotton Rich DK. I really like how this is coming along, and it might even be finished in time to wear it this summer.

Over the weekend, I picked up Sock Innovation, the Cookie A. book. It's really interesting. She packed that sucker full of information- inverting stitches, converting tricky stitch patterns from flat to round, and all sorts of other helpful design tidbits. And the patterns are okay too. :P

Wow. It's been three weeks and that's all I got. Jebus, this post makes me feel like such a slacker. I gotta go knit something.

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