Sunday, January 11, 2009

I Wish We Still Had a Fireplace

You've probably heard of the infamous Sweater Curse. Well what I have is a cursed sweater. Seriously. It's a little mint green baby sweater, and I swear it is destroying my soul. It started back during mid-2007, when my husband's coworker was going to have his second baby. I had just finished knitting the Knitting Pure and Simple Baby Cardigan, and thought it was easy enough to do once more. It went well until I took a little break with one sleeve yet to go. When I went back to do it, I used a different size needle, and somehow didn't notice until it was finished. The ends were woven in and everything, but one sleeve was pretty obviously much more tightly knit. Rather than frog the thing, I just knit a hat and booties for the recipient and moved on with life.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago. Two of Scott's friends are having babies this year, and I instantly thought of the sweater. It only needs one sleeve done, so it should be simple, right? Wrong. I looked at the pattern, forgetting the needle size problem and saw that the sweater had been knit on #7 needles. Size 7 needles in hand, I get started. A couple inches into it, the discrepancy becomes clear. At this point I chastize myself for not being very observant, and for having a really crappy memory, and for not making notes about this sort of thing. The sleeve gets ripped, and I figure I must have accidentally used #6 needles. Again, I knit the sleeve. This time, I knit nearly to the end before I see that the sleeve STILL does not match the other, smaller, sleeve. Now I hate myself and the sweater. This stupid sleeve has been knit three times and I wish it would die in a fire.

Unfortunately, there is just something in my brain that won't let me destroy the thing no matter how mad I am at it. It's too close to being finished, and the idea of being defeated by a baby cardigan really sticks in my craw. So, it is back in the bag (with a note to use #5 needles next time), and I have until June to let the hate subside and finish it.

On a happier note, Scott's scarf is done:

And I've got the cuffs of both Shalimar socks done:
I've made lists of all my projects and goals, and so far so good. Maybe I'll make it to Sheep & Wool after all!

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