Friday, January 30, 2009

The Suckage. I Has It.

So yeah. I suck at blogging lately... my sincere apologies for the lack of updates. Work has been kicking my ass, in combination with carpooling with Scott. That means I leave a little before 6 am and don't get home until 6 or 6:30 pm, leaving little time for anything else. In fact, I am at work right now (off the clock) waiting for Scott to come get me! But I thought I'd sneak in a brief update sans photos, and I promise this weekend I will post pictures.

First of all, the baby cardigan was finished less than 24 hours after that last post. The public humiliation of my failings was too much to bear, and I finally got it right. Both sleeves match each other, and it's washed and everything. It does still need a final pug-hair check, and perhaps a tumble in the drier to fluff up the cotton (it was dried flat, because I fear premature pilling), but it looks pretty good and it felt awesome to finally finish that sucker.

My lovely new socks from the Shalimar Yarn are also finished, and I lurve them. The yarn was awesome to knit with, and I'm really excited to try the other weights (once some of the stash is gone, of course). I think I'd really like to try a sweater with another stonewash colorway.

Cassidy's sweater (the light blue Classic Cotton raglan) is going surprisingly well. I'm completely winging the whole thing, and it's really quite amazing that I haven't had to rip it out even once. I'm nearly done with the first sleeve, and I'm not quite sure how long to make them, but I'm not too worried. I have lots of experience ripping out sleeves. :)

Okay I guess that's it. Now where is Scott? I need to get to knit night!

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