Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Case of the Sickies

I've been sick the past couple days. It started out as a cold, but yesterday I woke up with the full-blown sickies. And today I am in recovery. Somehow, lazing around on the couch for two days makes me feel even crappier. I sort of want to jump up and run outside screaming.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago for a physical, and had the bright idea of also getting a tetanus booster (thanks for planting that seed, MSN). Did you know that tetanus shots are notoriously painful? It felt like a gremlin was chewing through my arm for the better part of a week. I also got the HPV vaccine, at the behest of my doctor. I told her repeatedly that I didn't need it, as I'm married and neither of us bangs other people. But I think when you're young and married (and got married young), everyone assumes you'll be divorced in a manner of months. Eventually, I figured it's free (to me- insurance covers it) so why not.

So I've felt continuously shitty for about a week and a half. I hate going to the doctor. And I'm not getting another tetanus shot unless I have an unfortunate run-in with a shiv.

I started knitting a hat for the husband yesterday... just a basic hat in black Lion Brand wool. I think I'm going to add earflaps later. I'm still slowly chipping away at the sweater, and I've got about 6 inches left on the body. I expect to get a second wind at that point. That's all I got for now.

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