Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Been a While... Again...

Yeah, I haven't updated in forever, I know. Honestly, I haven't been knitting much. The Mystical Creations Yarn thread over in Ravelry has me totally sucked in. If you're not on Ravelry, I suggest you go RIGHT NOW- if only to read about the insanity that is this story. Allow me to sum up:

Mean Woman sells yarn on eBay.
Yarn is bad.
People have lots of problems with their yarn, and with Mean Woman.
People on Ravelry get super pissed at Mean Woman- her yarn sucks, and she is a douche.
Mean Woman attempts to fake death to avoid angry customers.
People on Ravelry start contacting authorities.

There is so much more to that, but really there is no way to post it here. The original thread contains nearly eight thousand posts. If you plan on reading them all, you might want to take a vacation day or two. It's a very juicy read.

Admittedly, there is still a part of me that is grasping onto the ass-end of adolescence. And that part simply cannot get enough of this weird, train-wreck type of drama. As long as it's other people's drama, that is. I'm not proud.

As for knitting, I'm still working on Spencer's sweater, and have gotten to the raglan shaping on the back, but that's not saying much. I hope to have the back done and seamed to the front by Friday. That way, my mindless knitting for the meet-up can be the legs and collar.

Oh, the meet-up! I haven't mentioned that here yet! Two Fridays ago was my first time at a knitting group (the Western Maryland Ravelers Group from Ravelry), and it was a lot of fun. I met a bunch of great people (hi Linda!), and got to be social for a few hours. The group meets every other Friday night at the local Barnes and Noble, and everyone has some nice, relaxing, time to knit among friends. It's awesome.

While I was there, I swatched the Classic Elite Cotton Bamboo, and while I like it, it's totally wrong for what I had hoped to make with it (a cropped cardigan with lots of mini cables). So the search is on for something else to with it! That shouldn't be too hard, what with all the Spring/Summer patterns coming out lately. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Hi back Amanda! I have been avoiding that MCY thread because I didn't want to get sucked in, but now you've tempted me. I guess I better call in sick to work today. p.s. I am making a clapotis out of bamboo.

Amanda said...

Oooh... I bet it will be great for summer! The clap is pretty contagious, huh? :)