Monday, September 10, 2007

I hate Mondays (and Sundays)

Yesterday, I was looking forward to the start of football season. For one solid hour, minimum, I can sit and knit, with snacky things and an occupied husband nearby. It's so very nice... usually. I had gotten a couple of rounds done on the sweater, and thought it'd be a good time to do a quick stitch count. That's where things went haywire. The count for the back section was off by one, and I could see where I had somehow created an extra stitch about two inches down. A normal person would have just knit two together and moved on. Not me. As crazy as I am, I look at the sweater and all I can see is the goofy spot where that extra stitch was made. So, I ripped it out.

I painstakingly thread some waste yarn just under the mistake, and frogged it to that point. It was a sad moment. And you know what? My stitch count is still off! While frogging the fakey raglan seams, I did something wrong. I can't for the life of me tell where, but it's in there somewhere... another mistake. Fortunately, the seam will hide a tiny flaw better than a vast expanse of stockinette, so I think I can live with knitting two together there.

As for today, well, it was just one of those days where nothing seems to go right. I woke up late, work was a nightmare, and I have a headache. Just in case this trend continues through the evening, I'm not going to risk knitting tonight. Maybe I'll just wind some balls or plan a future project.

I am super excited though- my loving, doting husband has recently informed me that he is going to buy me a rocking chair! I fucking love rocking chairs, more than any rational person should. I suppose it brings up cozy memories of sitting in one of those child-size rockers when I was little. I'm told that I tried to stand up in that chair and fell off, knocking out a few teeth as I hit the floor. Luckily, I was too small to remember this, and they somehow managed to put my teeth back in. But I don't have any plans on trying that again. Anyhoo, I'm stoked and can't wait to get rockin!

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