Thursday, September 6, 2007

No Light in This Attic

Today was one of those days. The kind that involves a lot of frustration and being thwarted by my own jackassary- I accidentally destroyed a $600 product with a razor blade. I’m an asshat. But hey, at least I did all my paperwork right! Then I worked a couple hours of overtime (blech!)

I’ve been putting in a little overtime the past couple days, which I both love and hate: On the one hand, it takes away from my knitting time. On the other hand, I get more yarn money. I try to stay focused on the bit about yarn, but it is so hard when there is a neglected sweater at home. The sweater is coming along, but there’s a lot of time for things to go wrong. Honestly, I haven't done much, I feel so lazy!

I’ve been trying out a few podcasts in hopes that they’ll provide some sort of motivation. I love, love, love Knitters Uncensored- they’ve caused several falling-off-the-chair-from-laughing-too-hard injuries, and Stash and Burn is awesome too. Both do a great job of keeping me awake- and making me feel less homicidal- at work. But mostly they just make me want to buy more yarn and every back issue of Interweave Knits.

Fun side note: I ordered The Best of Interweave Knits when I found it on the Borders website by happenstance. I was hoping that at least some the patterns I wanted would be in it. Later I found the Table of Contents on the Interweave website... no such luck. But it looks like it will still be worth buying.

I'm considering going to Stitches East in October, but I don't know yet. I'd hate to drive all the way up there and not be able to find parking... and driving around Baltimore is a bit sketchy. Maybe I can figure out a way to take the train or something.

That's all I got for now folks. Wish me luck on the sweater (I'll probably need it later)!

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