Saturday, July 14, 2007


This weekend brings a nasty project: organizing all that is knitty in my house. I've been leaving my yarn vulnerable to moths and dust, and it really should stop. So I bought large quantities of Ziploc bags with which to protect my precious wool.

I've also come to notice that I need more darning needles and measuring tapes. I don't know where those needles disappear to, but I think it might have something to do with a Needle Gremlin that may or may not reside in my couch. I like to imagine he parties with the Dryer Goblin and the Underpants Gnome when nobody's home. Today I bought four more needles, and I have plans to attach each on to it's own giant wooden stick (like a gas station bathroom key).

My measuring tape hasn't disappeared (yet), but it's super inconvenient to own just one. It's never in the place I want it to be- in fact, it's usually in the furthest place from me. So I bought two more: now there's one for my knitting bag, one for the living room, and one for the bedroom. Now I'm all set!

It's late now, so this project will have to wait until tomorrow. Right now it's time for bed!

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