Saturday, July 14, 2007

What was I thinking?

I don't know why I thought that going through all of my yarn would be an arduous task. True, I hate organizing, but this is yarn we're talking about. And I got to go through every hank, ball and skein. Mmm... yarn....

Anyhoo, this is what I started with: my glorious stash, flanked by some bags of recently acquired yarn. My main goal was to get it all into Ziploc bags, and make sure each yarn had a label of some sort.

My yarn was also a bit dusty from sitting on the shelf, so I tried to take care of that, too.

So here's my stash in it's entirety... what do you think? I think I need more yarn. More, more, more! I had to try really hard not to jump in the pile and roll around like a crazy girl.

It's funny how on the shelf, it didn't seem like much, but in a big pile it seemed like a ton. Maybe I just forgot how much I had?

And here it is all pretty! I stuck the wool for my next
sweater in the basket, since I ran out of room on the shelves. Guess it's time to get more shelves! I keep all my dpn's in a cigar box (donated by my husband), and all my straights and circs are in the needle roll behind it (barely visible). The basket also holds my nostepinne, measuring tape, and a small project bag (for socks on the go). Cleaned up pretty nice, huh? It will be fun to see how long it stays that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you just have to keep it that way!