Monday, August 13, 2007

Ripping My Heart Out

Yesterday was a sad day. But before I get into it, allow me to give you some background info…

A typical Sunday for me goes something like this: Wake up and get ready, do any housework or errands that need to be done, and knit all afternoon. I like to watch TV while I knit. On Sundays, the Sci-fi channel runs a series of amusingly terrible movies, usually Sci-fi originals. I can sit all afternoon and be entertained, but not get so sucked into the movie that I accidentally stop knitting. These “Sci-fi Sundays” have become sort a tradition. I look forward to it all week… my husband usually spends the day out riding his motorcycle so the house is quiet, and it’s such a great way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Yesterday, however, was a prime example of Murphy’s Law. The housework part went okay, but once I got to the grocery store I was thwarted by jackassary at every turn. Then I got home only to find that Sci-fi would be airing Waterworld all afternoon! Waterworld! I hate that movie more than anyone should hate a movie. *sigh* But that’s okay… I can still knit.

So I grab my sweater, but before I get started I think to myself, “This would be a good time to try it on and see how it’s going.” Which is exactly what I do, and the sucker is huge. Crap. You see, a while back I thought I’d be clever and cast on a few extra stitches under the arms because I thought they might be a bit snug. Genius that I am, I failed to realize this would also add to the body of the sweater. Also, by “a few,” I mean eight... on each arm. Yeah, I’m smart. With worsted yarn and size 8 needles, that’s almost 4 inches. Anyhoo, I had the pleasure of ripping out about six inches worth of sweater body to get back to the armpits to remove those extra stitches. And after knitting all evening, it’s almost back to where it was before ripping. My Sweater Tank is full... time to work on something else for a little bit. Maybe something small and quick.

Just in time to add to my giant pile of woes: I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Send sympathy yarn.


Anonymous said...

hey I do the same thing you do on sunday unless my boyfriend is over. And I feel the same about Waterworld too

Amanda said...

Good to know I'm not the only one :)